Environmental Protection

Resource conservation and recycling

In our company, all raw materials, materials and auxiliary materials are recycled and properly disposed. A careful handling with raw materials is a requirement. Waste of resources is avoided.

Our motto in terms of packaging, transport, waste and energy consumption is:
As much as necessary, as little as possible and preferably environmetnally friendly!

Green electricity

In view of the ever scarcer resources and alarming forecasts concerning the climate change, the importance of renewable energies is increasing worldwide. We also want to make a contribution to the protection of the environment.

That's why all the electricity used in our company originates exclusively from renewable energy resources. We also take care that no energy is wasted.

Saving electricity

We make an important contribution to environmental protection through the use of natural power and the avoidance of unnecessary power consumption, especially in the field of lighting. We have realized this by switching to LED lighting with presence detectors ie. only electricity is consumed when it is really necessary.

You have the added value of lower prices and the assurance that you are working with a company committed to protecting the environment.

Download Declaration of Conformity REACH

Download Declaration of Conformity RoHS